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In-House Call Acupuncture: Your Step-By-Step Guide

Updated: Sep 11, 2023

Whether you're a seasoned acupuncture client or a curious first-timer, in-house acupuncture offers a convenient and personalized healing experience right in your own home. Below is a step-by-step guide on what to expect and how to prepare for an in-house acupuncture session.

Step 1: Booking Your Appointment

  • Research: Find a licensed and experienced acupuncturist who offers in-house services.

  • Contact: Reach out to the acupuncturist to schedule a convenient time for the session.

  • Fill Out the patient form and consent to treatment: At Reflective Body Acupuncture, the new patient form is available through our booking system. When you follow the “book an appointment” button, you are directed to our patient portal to create your account. Here you will be asked to fill out the patient intake form. The patient intake form helps the acupuncturist to create your treatment plan.

Step 2: Preparing Your Space

  • Choose a Quiet Space: Identify a quiet and comfortable space in your home for the session. An office space or living room are often great choices. If you have any questions on where to set up the treatment table, don’t hesitate to email us for further assistance. We will provide email instructions or we can Facetime beforehand to walk you through the steps.

  • Clear a Small Area: Ensure there is sufficient space for the practitioner to move around freely. The acupuncturist will bring a treatment table and will need to be able to walk around it. The width of our portable treatment table is 30" and the length is 73".

  • Pets: We ask pets to be placed in a separate room or in their cage for the duration of the treatment. Otherwise, the pet could get curious about the needles and hurt themselves or you.

Step 3: During the Session

  • Consultation: The session will start with a detailed consultation where you can share your medical history, concerns, and goals. If you fill out the patient intake form, then the acupuncturist can move on to the examination after a brief chat.

  • Examination: The acupuncturist may carry out a simple physical examination, checking your pulse and tongue as part of the Chinese medical diagnosis.

  • Treatment Plan: Based on the consultation, a personalized treatment plan will be created for you.

Step 4: Acupuncture Treatment

  • Position: You will be asked to lie down in a comfortable position, usually on your back, stomach, or side.

  • Needle Insertion: The acupuncturist will insert thin, sterile needles at specific points on your body. The needles are for one-time use only, you can request to see the packaging before your treatment. Each needle is packaged individually and disposed of accordingly after use.

  • Relax: Once the needles are inserted, you will relax for 15 to 30 minutes, allowing the treatment to take effect.

The Reflective Body Method

Each patient receives a face down, face up treatment and tui -na massage based on their unique treatment plan. The face-up treatment is when the patient is lying on their back on the treatment table, this is often the lengthiest part of the treatment with a greater number of needles. The face-down treatment treats the secondary complaint and is shorter in duration. Tui- na massage is utilized case by case or you may request it.

Step 5: Concluding the Session

  • Needle Removal: After the set time, the practitioner will gently remove the needles.

  • Feedback: You will have the opportunity to share your experience and receive feedback or advice for post-treatment care.

  • Payment: Usually, the payment is processed at the end of the session through our patient portal using the payment option you have picked.

Step 6: After the Session

  • Rest: Give yourself some time to rest and enjoy the full benefits of the treatment.

  • Hydrate: Drink some warm water to help remove any toxins that were released during the session.

  • Reflect: Write on your Reflective Body Journal and make notes of how you feel to discuss it in your next session. We will provide you with a copy of the Reflective Body journal to help you keep track of your health and wellness journey and deepen body-mind awareness.

  • Dress Comfortably: For your acupuncture treatment, wear loose, comfortable clothing to easily access different points of the body.


In-house acupuncture is a wonderful way to receive a tailored treatment in the comfort of your own home. Following these steps will help ensure a smooth, safe, and effective acupuncture session. Prepare to embark on a journey of relaxation and healing with in-house acupuncture services.

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